Sunday, September 29, 2013

Backes gets tired. He takes a few days off.  He must be low on stamina. But, the rest does him no good. He's just as stupid afterwards as he was before.
Backes: There is no evidence supporting the claim that "Doorman," was Oswald. None. 

Cinque: The photographs are the evidence, Backes. The photographs show us that Doorman is wearing Oswald's clothing, both his distinctive outer shirt and his distinctive t-shirt. He has Oswald's build. He has Oswald's stance. He has Oswald's expression. The photographic evidence is overwhelming that Doorman is Oswald.

Backes: No one on those steps said to anyone in 50 years that Oswald was there.

Cinque: Oswald said he was there, and he named someone who was there: Bill Shelley.

Backes: The WC was not a show trial.

Cinque: And yet you think they concocted lengthy testimony for Lovelady in which they said he described a trek down to the tracks and re-entry through the back door all, supposedly, to nullify the testimony of Victoria Adams. Yet, you imply that if someone had wanted to say that Oswald was in the doorway, they would have put it into the Warren Report. 

Backes:  Did Buell Wesley Frazier say the WC threatened his life, as you're implying here? No.  No, he didn't say that. 

Cinque: No, but that doesn't matter. Obviously, it was not going to be the distinguished statesmen of the Warren Commission who threatened him. Are you saying that the fact that his life and the lives of his family members were threatened isn't enough? That if the threat wasn't made directly by Allen Dulles or Richard Russell that it doesn't count?

Backes: Why is there no evidence from other sources that Oswald was in the doorway?

Cinque: You see, Backes, other people, with more brains than you have, realized immediately that this was not a "narrow" issue, that it was a very big issue, and there was no way they were going to put anything in writing about Oswald being outside. So, it shouldn't surprise you that nothing was found. These were people who had just murdered the President of the United States, and they weren't going to put something in writing about the guy whom they set up as patsy being outside. How stupid a moron are you? 

There is no longer the slightest doubt that Oswald was standing outside; we can see him plain as day. The evidence is boldly and blatantly visible. You want evidence, Backes? Here it is:

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