Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Suddenly, Backes says that whether it's Oswald in the doorway is a "narrow" issue.

NARROW? Did you say NARROW? - you dumb, witless moron.

How could you say something so stupid? Oswald in the doorway is anything but narrow. Oswald in the doorway means everything. It renders everything ELSE moot. It dissolves to nothing every single element of the official story of the JFK assassination. And you call it NARROW????????????????

And don't you try to explain the actions of Harold Weisberg and Mark Lane. It was just 2 weeks ago that Mark Lane said on national radio that Oswald was the "Man in the Doorway." We're talking September 2013.  It's his current position, so stop implying otherwise.

And I saw and heard Gerald McKnight say it on national television just a few months ago, on CPSAN, that Oswald was the Man in the Doorway. Again: we are talking 2013.

I am in possession of a letter from Dr. David Wrone, dated June 28, 2012. It includes the following:

Dear Ralph,

Your letter on the Man in the Doorway contained interesting observations about the Oswald/Lovelady situation. I believe it is Oswald in the doorway, and my book on the Zapruder film goes into it. But, Harold Weisberg's Whitewash II discusses it in a more formal way and includes photos. Jim Douglass' recent book also sustains it very well, he having met with Oswald's Marine bunk mate who recognized him. This man had his bags packed and was on his way to Dallas to assist Oswald when Ruby shot him. He said the MITD was Oswald, that the t-shirt was exactly the way O wore it, bunching it up with his hand as he went about the day, etc.

(Cinque: Dr. Wrone is referring to Oswald's deformed t-shirt which at times looked v-shaped, including in the doorway.)

The first day the FBI pushed themselves upon Lovelady, they only wanted to see the way he looked. Not the shirt at that time was paramount to them- these agents were often stupid.

There are more details to the shirt which you ought to set down: the tears, the lack of buttoning ability (the buttons were missing from the belly to the collar), the weave, etc. all found in the above works.

I believe O ate lunch on the 1st floor. He went out to the front about 12:25, staying there not very long, but long enough for Altgens to snap him. Then he went back up the single flight of stairs to the lunch room. Roffman in Presumed Guilty has an absolutely critical treatment of this and the Warren Commission attorneys' corruption of the evidence.

These are my reflections for they may be worth to you. It is good to know that folks like you are fighting the wretched coverup.

Warm regards,

David Wrone

I have another letter from David Wrone too and one from Vincent Salandria, all keepsakes for sure.

Backes, one thing I can tell you about the future is that you don't have one in this field. You are a pathetic nitwit. This is your legacy:

Not even your pals bpete and Clark Rob would support you on this. Not even Robin Unger supports you. He thinks it was the arm of somebody on Elm Street. That's equally ridiculous, but so what? Stupid is as stupid does.

So, you conjure up a black guy all because of a fleeting reference in a letter by Richard E. Sprague? Is that how it works, Backes? You call that research?

Backes, you were born stupid, and you're going to stay that way. You're nothing but road-kill on the highway to JFK truth.

The "narrow issue" of Doorman, eh?  You sure about that? You stupid, brainless mudder-ruck.

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