Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wow, this is amazing. I mentioned that I have been in touch with Attorney William Pepper, and I am regular (daily) contact with his legal assistant. 

You know that William Pepper was the attorney of James Earl Ray until his death, and he is currently the attorney of Sirhan Sirhan and is vigorously pursuing his release through court filings. 

Well, William Pepper is also the attorney of OIC senior member Peter Janney, and they have filed a civil lawsuit in Washington DC against one William Mitchell for the wrongful death of Peter's surrogate mother, Mary Pinchot Meyer.

I have been sent the complete court filing. I've got it all.  And I am going to post parts of it here selectively. I have to be careful because I don't want to violate Peter's privacy, and there is a lot of personal information included, which I will not put up. 

Mary Pinchot Meyer was JFK's friend and lover, and after his death, she went on a personal campaign to discover the truth about his murder. She strongly believed that the CIA was responsible, and she didn't hide that from her ex-husband, CIA man Curt Meyer or from James Jesus Angleton. And she was very well connected in government and media, especially the Washington Post. Of course, she wound up murdered. 

You really should read Peter's book, Mary's Mosaic, as have I:

One of the really incredible and unusual things about this case is that one of the most crucial witnesses for the prosecution against the patsy, Ray Crump, was, according to Peter and others, the actual murderer of Mary Pinchot Meyer, William Mitchell. Hence, Peter's lawsuit against William Mitchell, which was filed in August of this year. 

Now, here is part of the complaint. I have excluded parts because I felt that they were too personal concerning Peter, and I have also left out other parts just for the sake of brevity. It's a long complaint. 

But, I hope you realize how important and significant this is to the pursuit of justice in the JFK assassination.  Also, pay close attention to the cunning way they created a phony life and phony credentials for this "William Mitchell". It is mindblowing what the CIA does. 


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