Saturday, November 9, 2013

Backes wants the page number from High Treason 2 by Livingstone in which Roscoe White's preacher Jack Shaw said that White told him that Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall was the operational headquarters for the assassination. It's page 466. 

And it really makes a lot of sense that they did it there, and that's because of the factors of TIME and SECURITY. Here is what OIC senior member Dennis Cimino wrote about it, and this is from several communications from him: 

"It was dangerous to ship the unaltered Altgens anywhere because it could have fallen into the wrong hands- by accident or subterfuge- and I do think CIA knew that that was possible unless they put it in a briefcase and handcuffed it to a courier they implicitly trusted to get the film to the other end without losing control of it."

"So, the two driving issues were:

a)  TIME: meaning getting the alterations started and completed as quickly as possible 

b) SECURITY: meaning controlling who could see it, who had access to it, and minimizing the number of people who knew it was being altered; the less the better."

"If it left the area in UNALTERED form, it was potentially vulnerable to either unintentional LOSS or INTERCEPT by someone who could have later found out what it meant.   And, to be bluntly honest here, there had to be a few 'good' people who were aware of the plot probably late in the game who would have loved to have gotten their hands on the original ALTGENS so that they could expose the plot to the world."

"TIME and SECURITY, guys.  they dared not fuck around too long, as they had so little time, and they could not absolutely control the custody chain of that film unless they held on to it and limited its movement." 

"Given the fact that they had that 'spook shop' (JCS) right there, it seems to me they would have opted to get on with it and get
the work started right away.  I don't know if they were counting every minute but they probably knew every moment that photo got zero attention and wasn't being dealt with, that it was powerful evidence against the official story.  The JCS guys weren't ad hoc or on call, they were standing by, waiting for the film, most likely ready to spring into action and get the job done for their CIA / FBI bosses, post haste."

"If you really take a good look at this plot and compare it to the sheer incompetence of the 9/11 shit, you really have to hand 'someone', probably Al Dulles, an awful lot of credit for carrying out this act of TREASON with a significantly higher degree of precision,  notwithstanding a few screwups that Richard and Larry have cited, with a greater amount of demonstrable competency than in the later FURTHER COUP D' ETAT HIJACKING of the nation on Sept 11, 2001."

"Given that they had so many players involved, and orchestrated the removal of S.S. agents from the limo, and the guys on the radio and the signal man with the umbrella all carried out their actions to make sure that the team of killers all were ready to unleash their loads of death on the President that day...not unlike a pack of hyenas." 

"In totality, it was, minus the drum roll and accolades of an act carried out with machine-precision which it was not, it had only a small handful of things go wrong, and one of them was the lack of positive control of making sure LHO wasn't outside in the doorway, which he was in fact at the time the shots were fired."  

"Furthermore, their lack of ability to excise him from the photo, namely ALTGENS 6 for the most part, was perhaps second only to their inability to control him altogether, their second most grave fuck-up of the day.  Those two failures, as well as not having him immediately shot to death by the  arresting officers, their THIRD MISTAKE, in all honesty, as serious of mistakes as they were, nonetheless were effectively propagandized away by the Warren Conmission and their friends and co-conspirators in the media."

"Those THREE major fuckups cited were serious fuckups, but they so effectively controlled the MEDIA that they could have garotted JFK's neck off with a piano wire mob-style, and the MSM would have found a way to blame it on Oswald." 

 "50 years ago, they mastered the situation so thoroughly that Gerald R. Ford effectively put the cherry on top of the MIASMA OF LIES and for five decades, most of America still has failed to come to grips with what took place that day, not merely an assassination, but the precision SWITCHING OFF of an alleged democratic republic, and replacing it with a NIGHTMARE, TORTURE, PERPETUAL WARFARE STATE."

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