Wednesday, November 27, 2013

If you haven't watched this Alex Jones' encounter with the Gestapo in Dealey Plaza on November 22, you really should:

It is really fabulous. I realize there is a lot of controversy and divided opinions about Alex Jones even among truthers, but I say if it's going to be yeah or nay for Alex Jones, I make it yeah because he calls it like it is and never minces words no matter what, including on the JFK assassination.

It includes a very compelling interview with Jim Marrs (who has done a lot of good for us in the OIC) in which they discuss Oswald's elaborate CIA connections. For instance, Jim learned from Marina Oswald Porter that in route from Russia to the US, she and Lee spent several days at a safe house in Amsterdam that was entirely English-speaking. What do you think that could have been?

I am glad to know that while we were proclaiming the truth in Santa Barbara, Alex Jones and others were in Dealey Plaza standing up to the Establishment and facing off against the jackbooters.

Of course, Alex and his group were not permitted in Dealey Plaza during the dog and pony show, but they were kept out even after it was over. They had to congregate a couple of blocks away behind barricades.

We had it so easy in Santa Barbara in comparison. What we did was historic, but so was what Alec and his group did in Dallas. I salute them.

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