Thursday, November 7, 2013

I'm saying that there is no way that guy- whoever he was- would stand there with one arm going across his chest. He's doing what I was doing- crossing both arms across his chest. 

Whatever that white thing is in the middle has nothing to do with him. You think it's an elbow? You think it's an arm going up vizoring? Well, if it is, it's somebody else's. It has nothing to do with him. 

And look at the size of the black woman's hair. Compare the height of her hair to that of the white woman next to her. It's like the black woman is wearing a top hat. 

Some of my adversaries have admitted that that can't be all her hair. They think there was somebody else back there whose hair was combining with hers. They just don't want to consider photographic alteration. 

But, one thing is for sure: there is no other photograph like this in the entire history of photography. If we were looking at this in any other context but JFK, all would be saying, "What the fuck?"

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