Friday, December 27, 2013

I have found a reference which says that Oswald and Hosty did know each other, and I mean prior to 11/22/63. It's a 1964 article from The Nation about Oswald's FBI connections.

It includes the statement: "Hudkins found that Oswald did know Agent Hosty." Lonnies Hudkins was a Houston Post reporter who was investigating Oswald's FBI connections. It said that Oswald had Hosty's home phone, work phone, and license plate number:

The stubborn might argue that Oswald could have obtained all that information without ever having met Hosty, but how likely is that? Isn't it far more likely that they knew each other? It's very obvious that Hosty was much more involved with Oswald than he admitted to. Hosty destroyed Oswald's threatening note and didn't even mention it until he was forced to do so. Are we really going to believe Hosty's denial of ever having met Oswald before 11/22/63?

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