Saturday, December 21, 2013

Of all that information in William Weston's long and excellent article about how Dallas book distributors, including the TSBD, were CIA front companies, the thing bpete wants to harp on is my editorial comment:

On the sixth floor that day William Shelley and his crew of five men were adding new plywood to the old floor. How they failed to notice the lifting and moving of two dozen boxes, each weighing 55 pounds, to make the sniper’s nest at the southeast corner window has never been explained. Also unexplained is an incident after the assassination: Shelley spoke with Oswald just prior to the latter’s escape in a Nash Rambler. (Note: this was most likely the other Oswald, the Oswald impostor. RC) 

And, bpete implies that I was trying to misrepresent the author's position. I did not. I clearly put my initials so that the reader would know that that was me talking. 

It's true that among the people who support that Oswald was standing in the doorway, some, like me, James Fetzer, and Dennis Cimino, do not think that after the doorway he got into the Nash Rambler, and others think that he did. But, note that we all maintain that he was standing in the doorway, which is, by far, the most crucial thing. 

The fact is that people don't have to agree on everything, and they rarely do. I'm sure there are other divergences among our members about different aspects of the assassination. But the thing that we all have in common and which we require an endorsement of is that Oswald was standing in the doorway during the shooting. About that, there is complete solidarity. 

So pay no attention to this idiot bpete who studies images of men in swimsuits to assess the size of their genitals. Sick depraved bastard. And this is who they send to do battle with me.  

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