Saturday, January 18, 2014

Backes is now accusing me of fabricating that comment exposing his true nature:

I did not fabricate it. Is it that hard to believe that others could have revulsion for you, Backes? And I also have not been emailing you or any of the others, directly, indirectly, or using some Czech e-mailer. 

Then, Backes says two things that are quite unbelievable. First, he admits that he has no qualms about defending and befriending lone-nutters like Hank Sienzant. Backes is admitting that the issue of whether Oswald killed Kennedy is unimportant to him- that he can put aside. It shows that Backes has not the slightest passion for or interest in exonerating Lee Harvey Oswald. And again I say: when has Joseph Backes EVER said ANYTHING in defense of Oswald? Joseph Backes is not, and never has been, an Oswald defender. Backes is a fake, a phony, and a liar. He is also nasty, vile, and disgusting, like the man said. 

But then, just for fun, I'll point out that he accuses me of stealing images as he, simultaneously, steals my images. His hypocrisy is breathtaking, and so is his stupidity. 


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