Tuesday, January 14, 2014

It's not just that Lovelady's plaid pattern is absent from Doorman's shirt- as Harold Weisberg told us. It's that the whole open configuration of Doorman's shirt is missing from Lovelady's shirt. 

Lovelady's shirt is being worn the standard way, which is buttoned up except for the top button. And why not? What would you expect? Oswald couldn't do that because his buttons were missing. But, that was not the case for Lovelady. 

Realize that the matching configurations between Oswald and Doorman is an undeniable fact. Who would be crazy enough to deny it? It means that what they are contending is that both Oswald and Lovelady are a match to Doorman, that both Oswald and Lovelady were decked out the same way on 11/22/63. But that is clearly not true from what we can see.  

Keep in mind that we are seeing most of Lovlady's chest. We are seeing all of the left side and some of the right side. If his shirt was sprawled open, we would see it. We can actually see his right collar as well as his left. He is clearly miles and miles and miles apart from Doorman's arrangement. 

The open sprawl of Doorman's shirt is the most glaring and conspicuous thing about him. And the match to Oswald is spot-on. It can't be denied. This is such a definitive match to Oswald and disconnection from Lovelady that it screams out loud that Doorman was Oswald. It is the biggest visual element in view. 

What accounts for the open sprawl on Doorman and Oswald? It's the unbuttoning, yes, but it's also the loose fit. The shirt was big on Oswald and probably because he had lost weight. People swim in their clothes after they have lost weight. So, it's the combination of the unbuttoning and the excess capacity that causes the voluminous spread. 

But notice that the shirt is hanging the same on both of them, Oswald and Doorman.

The "hang", that is, the "lay", is the same on both of them. The very idea that Oswald and Lovelady were identically decked out that day is ridiculous. We are looking at the same man in the same shirt and the same t-shirt.  

This is so over-the-top obvious that it is insane that they claim that it's Lovelady. It is the pure, blunt, lying dis-information of Kennedy-killers. 

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