Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Joseph Backes: 

"He claims that the authorities never released any photos of Lovelady after the assassination.  And they never intended to.  Well, this is sort of true, but it's not true. Any time after the assassination is a large undefined time until the end of time.  It's so nebulous its meaningless." 

"Then he immediately contradicts that claiming that they put the FBI photos of Lovelady taken in Feb of 1964 into an appendix of the Warren Commission Report.  This isn't true either.  The FBI photos of Lovelady are not in the Report or in the 26 volumes.  And that's why the controversy started.  No one had a photo of Lovelady to compare to Oswald."

"Then IDIOTPANTS asks but how many saw that?  Well, that's a stupid question because they're not in the Report or in the 26 volumes.  So, even if one were to look for them there, they aren't there."

Ralph Cinque:

Here is the link from the Mary Ferrell Foundation which shows that the FBI Lovelady pictures were part of Warren Commission Document 457:

If you go to the link and click on CD 457, it takes you to the images that were attached to Hoover's letter.

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