Thursday, June 19, 2014

The only way that Towner and Altgens could capture the Hat Man with such a different backgrounds as this:

would be if Towner and Altgens were on different sides of the street. But they were NOT on different sides of the street. They were on the same side, with Altgens just down a ways. 

And when you look at Tina Towner's shot, it was a practically a straight shot across the street. 

So, there's no chance for any false impressions on that one. And then when we add Altgens, we see that he would also capture the Hat Man in front of the Obelisk, and they would both be to his left. 

And that is exactly how we see it in the Altgens photo.

You can see from the diagram that a man on Elm Street in the vicinity of the Obelisk would appear right there to Altgens. 

Why would he appear with the facade behind him? He wouldn't. 

He is just plain wacky to think that this:

 would result in this:

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