Monday, July 28, 2014

BIG DISCOVERY! In the Hughes film, they blocked off about a third of the doorway, and they did it by adding extra white columns. 

On top is an image of the doorway by William Allen. On the bottom is the corresponding frame from the Hughes film.  You can see that the doorway is framed by a pair of white columns on each side. I have the images stacked so that everything should line up. On the left side, it does. But on the right side of the Hughes frame, the doorway is smaller, and there appears to be not two, but four columns. The two on the inside, the extra ones, look like columns of light. And just to crush the naysayers, I have numbered the four columns on the right side. Numbers 1 and 2 are fake. They were added to the film. And look how high they go. Too high. Way above the margin. Their coloring is different, being more yellowed. They are fake, fake, fake. 

The reason I figured this out is because I noticed that the Hughes doorway seemed awfully small compared to the Wiegman doorway, and they were taken from about the same angle. So, I began asking myself: What did they do to block off that doorway? And the other thing was that the young girl in blue standing on the pedestal near the reflecting pool across the street seemed awfully big. She just seemed too large in comparison to the doorway. So, I had to ask myself: What happened to that doorway? Why is it so small? 

What are the Kennedy-killers going to say in response to this? That there was some accidental, spontaneous, innocent reason why those laser columns are there? 

They messed with the Hughes film. They messed with every film and photo that they could get their hands on. The JFK assassination is the most photographically altered event in the history of the world.   

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