Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Good news! We definitely know now that it wasn't Detective Gus Rose on the sidewalk in front of the TSBD, and a lot of people were saying that. But, it may have been this guy.

 The guy on the right was from an image taken by William Allen, the Dallas Times Herald photographer who also took the "Cops and Suits" image featuring the Bush-like figure on the left.

The first question is, if that's him, why wasn't it cited before now? The clamor about Bush on the sidewalk has been going on for years- much longer than I have been involved and by people who have nothing to do with me. So, if it was just a matter of citing another William Allen photo, taken in the same time frame and under the same circumstances, why wasn't it cited before now?   

Second, the shape of the head appears to be different, and on the right, it looks like a normal head with normal proportions. 

On the left, you've got the deep, accordion-like head, and on the right,  it is a rather round head. I realize that we are looking at them from different angles, yet, if that man on the right turned his head to his right, would we see the same dimensions that we see on the left? I seriously doubt that we would see anything like what we on the left. So, if that's the same man on both sides, it means that a lot distortion took place on the left, and I mean spontaneously. In the conversion of three-dimensional objects to two-dimensional images, distortion can happen, although usually it is slight. I like the match in head shape to Bush much better. 

Below, I definitely get the sense of a significantly older man on the right and a younger one on the left. The man on the left looks rather boyish in the face while the man on the right looks more mature. 

Could it all be the result of the different angle? Maybe, but still, it's worth noting. 

For some reason, the tie approximates the pants much closer on the right than on the left. 

We also aren't picking up a pointed end to the tie on the left. 

Is it just an innocent distortion? Maybe, but again, it's worth noting. We are going to note everything.

I like the match of the ear better to Bush than to the other guy.

I am getting the sense of a taller man in the Bush-like figure and an average height man in the other guy:

One last thing concerns me: the difference in the foreheads. The younger guy has a longer, more massive, and more anvil-like forehead than the other guy. It is a startling difference. How can that be the same forehead? 

Again, is it just an angular thing? Maybe, but this is the JFK assassination we are talking about, so we can't take anything for granted. 

For now, I am going to reserve judgment on this. I will keep studying it, and I will show it to people I know and respect. 

But, if it is true that this other guy is the Bush-like figure, it will not weaken or lessen in any way the case against George HW Bush. His involvement in the JFK assassination does not depend on that picture. In fact, the man who has made the strongest case against George HW Bush, JOHN HANKEY, has never relied on that picture. He is aware that a lot of people think the guy is Bush, but for John, that has never been a talking point. So, I can't recommend too strongly that you watch John's film about Bush called Dark Legacy, which you can watch on Youtube. It is narrated by John Hankey.


And, it goes without saying (although I'll say it anyway) that Oswald being in the doorway is as a rock notwithstanding this controversy and regardless of its resolution. Nothing is ever going to challenge Oswald in the doorway. 


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