Monday, July 21, 2014

I am receptive to what Jim Marrs says about the march of the Three Tramps happening earlier and before Oswald left, and it's simply because this guy really looks like Oswald. 

Nobody has offered any other ID for this guy. He's up on the steps of the TSBD, and he's talking to a cop, and he looks like and is dressed like Oswald. If he's not Oswald, who is he? 

And understand something: I don't need this guy to be Oswald. If it turned out that he wasn't Oswald, I wouldn't lose a thing. There is nothing else that I claim that hinges on him being Oswald. But, the great likeness that he has to Oswald and the complete absence of anyone else to say that he is, makes Oswald the one and only contender to be him at this juncture. 

And therefore, being unable to challenge Oswald's time of departure from Dealey Plaza, I am open to challenging the time that the photo was taken. 

And, if this ends like the man at the Trade Mart where is real identity was found, great! I won't lose anything. And I won't have to do anything. This isn't up on the OIC website.   

But as of now, without claiming certainty, I think he was Oswald. And, as you know, I don't mind saying so. 

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