Tuesday, July 29, 2014

The other side is using the frame that is featured on top, but compare it to what we actually see in the film. 

You notice that steel grey pole rising up and standing out above. But I don't see it any of the versions of the Hughes film that I've seen. There might be a faint hint, but nothing like what we see above. So, I think somebody probably photoshopped that in. And the real high-caliber white of the signs? Do you think they enhanced that too? It seems awfully white. Just saying. It seems a little over the top. 

Then, the other thing is that I think they narrowed the aspect ratio of the whole frame. Everything seems skinnier, including the cars. Of course, we're used to that, aren't we?

That is definitely the same image, but they adjusted the aspect ratio to slim him down after they realized that they picked someone way too husky to play Lovelady to ever be a contender for that skinny man in the doorway. 

They did it again here with the Darnell film. They decided that they wanted this big gargantuan guy to be skinny Buell Frazier, so they slimmed him down.

Look how they changed the whole shape of his head and made it freaky on the left? Nobody could have a head shaped like that. It was a photographic trick. 

So, listen up: I'm not accepting any Hughes images except what I can see in an intact film. This is the one I've been using:


Now, if anyone wants to submit a link to a better version than this, I'll gladly look at it. But, I don't want to see any more polished, photoshopped frames from Robin Unger or anyone else. I won't accept them. And that's final. 

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