Saturday, October 4, 2014

Backes???? Are you completely and totally out of your mind? That image of Psychedelic Lovelady was NOT sent to the HSCA by the Loveladys. It's Gorilla Man from the Martin film. 

Can't you see that he's got his hand on his hip the same way? It's the same image. So, how could it be from the Loveladys? How could they have come to possess an isolated frame from the Martin film? 

And since his ear and neck aren't red on the left, you know he wasn't photographed with a red ear and red neck on the right. It's an artifact. It's an anomaly. It's a corruption of the image.

You are so stupid, it is staggering to behold. It's like you're living in your own little world, divorced from reality, where it's whatever you want it to be.  Helpless, hapless, and hopeless is what you are.  

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