Sunday, November 16, 2014

We know Oswald just reached the lunch room shortly before Baker saw him.  And ironically, that is exactly what the lone-nutters assume as well. Who doubts it? Well, I suppose there are some CTs who want to say that Oswald had been there a while. But, that is a totally arbitrary assumption. If there were the remnants of a meal on the table that could attributed to him, then it would be different. But, that is absent from the record. Even if there were a Coke bottle on the table that could be attributed to him, but that's absent too. Both Truly and Baker insisted that there was no Coke involved. And there is absolutely no reason to think they collaborated to lie about that. They didn't even know each other. 

But, the other irksome thing is the underlying assumption that- of course- Oswald would have no interest in seeing Kennedy. We should assume that, right? Because after all, he is Oswald the eccentric, Oswald the anti-social, Oswald the misfit. Everybody else who worked there wanted to see President and Mrs. Kennedy, but let's just assume -without even discussing it- that Oswald- being the weird guy that he was- had no interest. In fact, he had so little interest that he would rather sit in a lunch room doing absolutely nothing than lay eyes on Kennedy.

Who thinks this way? Who attributes this odd behavior to Oswald? It isn't the lone-nutters. They claim he had so much interest in Kennedy, so much determination to lay eyes on him, that he looked at him through the scope of a rifle- before blowing his brain out.

But some CTs, who claim to be Oswald defenders, think nothing of taking for granted that, of course, Oswald had no desire to see Kennedy. Why? Because he's Oswald! They don't even feel a need to justify it. It doesn't have to be reasoned. It doesn't have to be explained. It goes with the territory. It's automatic. 

Well, to everyone who claims to be an Oswald defender, I point out to you that Oswald was not a crazy person. And, he was also a very worldly person. There isn't less reason to think he would be interested in seeing Kennedy; there is more reason. Marina said that he liked Kennedy, and he defended Kennedy. She said that at family gatherings in Russia, he vigorously defended Kennedy- his actions, his policies, etc. And who was at the center of the Cuban Missile Crisis? John F. Kennedy was. And what was at stake? War with the Soviet Union, where Marina was from and had family and where both of them had many friends. How were they not going to be interested in that and what Kennedy did?  

The very night before, Marina and Lee discussed Kennedy's visit to Dallas, and she expressed to Lee her admiration for Kennedy and her wish that she could lay eyes on him and Jackie. Also that very night, Lee implored Marina to reunite their family and to accept his offer to find suitable living quarters for them and their children in Dallas so that they would be together again. Doesn't it seem likely that Oswald would have viewed the Presidential motorcade not just for his own sake but for his wife's, so that he could tell her about it, what it was like? And especially when you compare that to what he would be doing instead, which was absolutely nothing?

What this leads to is that there is no reason to think that Oswald was anywhere else but outside viewing that motorcade- just like everybody else. Theoretically, he could have watched it from a window as a few people did, but we know he didn't do that. Therefore, he had to be outside watching it. 

And then we have two images of him outside watching it. 

And we also have the answer he gave to Will Fritz about where he was at the time, which was "out with Bill Shelley in front."

You put all that together, and you have a rock-solid basis to conclude Oswald was in the doorway. In fact, there is NO PLACE else to put him- even hypothetically. Mentally, there is no reason to even consider anywhere else. There is no place else that exists even as a possibility. 

So, the people who say that Oswald was in the lunch room at 12:30 or worse yet that he said he was in the lunch room at 12:30 are either: 

-shills who are just playing the crowd, who are just working the CT community to keep them from going to Ground Zero, which is the doorway OR 

-they are just very stupid people who have no ability to think and analyze, and they shouldn't be doing this at all. 

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