Sunday, January 18, 2015

I have to admit that Richard Charnin is right about everything he says about me. That is, he correctly states my positions. 

I do say that Judyth Baker is fraud, that the only thing she has provided documentation for is that she did work briefly at the Reilly Coffee Company- as a secretary. She has provided a tax statement about that. So, assuming that it's genuine, and I don't say it's not, it means she did work there. But, that's it. I don't know of anything else she claims that is credible to anyone but the credulous.  

And yes, I do say that Roger Craig and the others were wrong in thinking that they saw Oswald get into a Nash Rambler. They saw someone who looked like Oswald, but he wasn't the Oswald we know, the Oswald of fame.  

And yes, I do say that the whole idea of an "abort team" is ridiculous. Do a Google search for "abort team". Put it in quotes so that it doesn't pull up a lot of extraneous stuff. What you'll get is all this JFK stuff; that's about it. It's like "Thorburn position" or "Thorburn reaction" which is not a medical term; it's just something that John Lattimer, a urologist, invented- it is solely a JFK thing. Look: if anyone "good" had found out about the plot to kill Kennedy in Dallas, they would have seen to it that Kennedy's trip to Dallas was cancelled. Isn't that what they did in Chicago? They didn't send an "abort team" there, did they? They cancelled his trip. They'd have done the same in Dallas. I'll say it again: Stop with the "abort team" nonsense. It's stupid.  

And yes, I do deny that Oswald contacted the FBI to warn about the assassination. Oswald did not know about the assassination, so how could he warn anyone about it? He arrived at work that morning and didn't even know that the motorcade would be passing the building that day. He asked Junior Jarman why people were gathering on the sidewalk. What, do you think that was an act? 

I know there is a claim that someone named "Lee" warned the FBI about the Chicago plot, but how could Oswald have known anything about that? Who would have told him? Oswald was the patsy. That's all he was. And you keep the patsy in the dark, which is what they did. Just watch him speaking at the Midnight Press Conference. He said that he did not know what the situation was about, that no one had told him anything. I believe him. 

And yes, Lovelady was standing on the top level. He said he was. He was asked where he was standing, and he said: "It would be your top level." What is so hard to understand about that? It's plain English. Plus, he drew an arrow to Black Hole Man to indicate himself, and Black Hole Man was standing on the top level. Why do you think they blackened out the face of Black Hole Man? It's because he was Billy Lovelady. And again: Black Hole Man was standing on the top level.

So, that's it. I do hold all the positions that Richard Charnin listed, and I do so without regret, apology, or the least bit of doubt. 

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