Saturday, January 17, 2015

Robin Unger put up this image from the Wiegman film, and it is the second pan of the doorway. We rarely see it this way, which is to say: complete; as usually it is cropped to exclude everything to the right of Doorman.

But, I have a question for Robin- or for anybody. Why is there so much distortion east of Doorman? The rest of the frame seems quite good as for being focused, so why is that upper right area all a mess and a blurr? You can't blame it on Wiegman's movement or the car's movement because that would have affected everything. In fact, that is such an extreme degree of distortion that it goes beyond any presumed movement of the individuals who were standing there. It is quite bizarre, is it not? 

Note that I have been saying for years that that Doorman wasn't there, that Oswald had already left for the lunch room. And I can kinda prove it. Look at the people. Look how they are reacting as though something is terribly wrong. Remember that in the Altgens photo, none of the spectators were reacting that way. They were all happy- still in celebratory mode. 

So, this was later than the Altgens photo, quite a few seconds later. This was after it was over. The limo is zooming to Parkland Hospital at this point. And Officer Marrion Baker is off his bike and zooming towards the entrance- and the lunch room. And, Oswald had to get that lunch room before him, and not just before him, but without being the least bit winded or ruffled from exerting himself. And that means he had to walk there at a normal pace. And that means he needed the time to do that. So, at this late moment, Oswald could not have been still standing there, like a Cigar Store Indian, staring straight ahead. 

And as far as that guy being Lovelady, forget about it. Lovelady was with people. He was engaged with people. He was gathered with people. He was in a cluster of people. Then, Gloria Calvary came up to him and told him the President had been shot, and he asked her how she knew, and she said she saw the blood, etc. And then, he and Shelley joined the throng of people who descended on the rail yard area.

So, this guy who was standing there by himself frozen like a statue could not possibly be Lovelady, and he couldn't possibly be Oswald either. So, who was he? HE WAS NOBODY! He wasn't there. He was inserted into the film to take the place of Oswald who had left. 

Here is Oswald a few seconds before:

This is about 4 seconds before. You notice that here, Doorman is oriented like the others, meaning that he's turned and facing the direction that Kennedy is, which is down Elm St. This corresponds quite closely in time to the Altgens photo. But then, we are supposed to believe that that Doorman suddenly turned and started looking straight out the doorway, having lost interest in Kennedy. It's like he went into a trance. 

 You notice that Roy Lewis is oriented the same as before- still focused on Kennedy. But Doorman, for some reason, is now in some kind of Zen state, where he's just staring straight ahead, detached from his surroundings, and as rigid as a Cigar Store Indian. 

So, why would he do that? HE WOULDN'T. HE COULDN'T. HE DIDN'T. It's a phony picture. Oswald had left, and they stuck this other guy in there. He doesn't even look like, nor is he arranged like, the original Doorman, who was Oswald. 

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