Wednesday, March 25, 2015

In all probability, Lee Oswald is still alive. Why not? He was younger than Robert Oswald, and Robert is still alive. And why would Robert Oswald get involved in a plot that was going to result in his brother being killed? 

So, rather than presuming that he's dead, I think it's much more likely that they found Lee Oswald a new identity, and probably gave him facial reconstructive surgery, like Humphrey Bogart's character underwent in the movie, Dark Passage, just to change his appearance.  

By the way, Dark Passage came out long before the Kennedy assassination. And for a real-life example, there is Barbara Olson/ Lady Booth.

That's the same woman, the wife of Solicitor General Ted Olson, before and after 9/11, in which she presumably died on AA77 after making an impossible phone call to her husband from the plane, a call which even the FBI said was impossible. But, that's where the whole reference to "box-cutters" came from: Barbara Olson. Nowhere else. And that's her on the right after having undergone weight loss, a new hairstyle, and some facial plastic surgery. They've got the same ears, and ears are as distinctive as fingerprints.

That's the same ear - the exact same ear. I have no doubt about it.

So, Lee Oswald is probably still alive, although he may be living in another country. That would seem to be a prudent thing to do. But, he is probably still in touch with brother Robert Oswald, although I'm sure they are very careful and discreet about it.  

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