Monday, March 23, 2015

No, Backes. I haven't been a hypocrite at all. I've always said that when there is a point of fact available, it doesn't matter the source. Previously, I quoted something from David Reitzes about the stupid claim that Oswald sent the telex. How could he have sent it when it was sent from the Director of the FBI in Washington DC to the field offices of the FBI across the country? He couldn't walk into a telex office in Dallas and say: 

"I feel like pulling a prank today and pretending to be the Director of the FBI. I want to send an urgent message to all the field offices of the FBI throughout the country, supposedly from J. Edgar Hoover, and here's what it should say..."

They would not have done that. A telex is a legal document, and the sender and recipient are both verified.

But you, like so many others, cling to the idea that Oswald sent the telex- fools the lot of you. 

And there really was no telex- that we know of. There was just a guy, one guy, 5 years later, the night watchman from the New Orleans office of the FBI, who said that he remembered seeing such a telex. So, he fabricated one from memory and from scratch. And unfortunately, his spelling and grammar were more atrocious than yours, and that's saying a lot.  

So, this whole telex story amounts to nothing. And I have no regrets about citing David Reitzes- even though I disagree with him about just about everything else. 

And I have quoted Vincent Bugliosi too, when he said that Oswald ate his lunch in the domino room about 12:15. It was way before the assassination. 

In this case, McAdams' timeline and the thing that Posner said about Oswald being sent to the brig for 18 days for shooting into the jungle in the Philippines were from Oswald's official Marine record. So, what difference does it make who cited it?

You're stupid, Backes. You were born stupid, and you are going to stay that way. 


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