Sunday, March 22, 2015

The official story has it that Lee Harvey Oswald, who had a wife, a daughter, and a newborn baby daughter, decided to abandon them all to return to the good life under Communism, either in Cuba or Russia. 

But, according to Judyth Baker, it was just the opposite, that Lee Harvey Oswald went to Mexico City to deliver a bioweapon to kill Castro. 

So, which one of those ridiculous stories are you going to believe? How about settling for the truth: that Oswald never went to Mexico City. 

Mark Lane says he didn't. John Armstrong says he didn't. Doug Horne says he didn't. Don't you think they are smarter than Judyth Baker and Joseph Backes?

So, Oswald did ride a bus, but he did not go to Mexico City. He did ride a cab, but he did not go to Mexico City. He did stand in the doorway during the shooting (and there is no place else he could have been, even theoretically) but he did not go to Mexico City. 

Is that understood? 

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