Friday, April 17, 2015

I am extremely pleased to announce that Abraham Bolden has become a senior member of the Oswald Innocence Campaign.

As you probably know, Abraham was, for a time, JFK's personal Secret Service Agent, his personal protector. Oh, if only he had been his personal protector on November 22, 1963. But, Abraham got transferred to Chicago, partly because of his complaints about laxity in the Secret Service. But, he continued to serve JFK in Chicago. He saved JFK's life in Chicago because Abraham was the one who stopped the Chicago plot to kill Kennedy there, which would have involved another patsy: Thomas Arthur Vallee. So, in effect, Abraham gave JFK one more month of life.

But alas, after the assassination, because of his efforts to tell the truth and inform the WC about laxity, corruption, and complicity on the part of the Secret Service, Abraham got railroaded on false charges of accepting bribes. He wound up serving many years in prison, at the pain and suffering of himself and his family, where they even drugged him, almost to death. 

But, he survived, and his book, The Echo From Dealey Plaza, is a masterpiece. It is available on Amazon, and it is must-reading for any serious student of the case.

Welcome to the Oswald Innocence Campaign, Mr. Bolden. We are honored to have you. We know of your personal sacrifice on behalf of President Kennedy and on behalf of JFK assassination truth. Thank you, thank you, thank you. 

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