Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why would anyone claim that this photo was provided to the HSCA by the Loveladys without a stitch of evidence?

I'll tell you how the imbecile's mind works. For him, it's a process of elimination, or you could say: a matter of default.

It appears to be a personal photo of Lovelady>no government agency would have any business or any means of having a personal photo of him or of anybody>therefore, the only ones they could have obtained the picture from was the Loveladys>hence, ipso factor, they did, in fact, get it from the Loveladys.  

That is how the mind of this cretin works, but he's wrong from the start. Lovelady was in the US Military. He then became a felon within the US Military Justice system. He then became a fugitive from justice within the federal justice system. 

Here is a link to the FBI 10 Most Wanted List. You'll see plenty of personal photos there.

Here's one of them:

Do you think that was an official picture, like an arrest picture? They would have had him take his hat off, wouldn't they? 

The idea that government would be unable to find personal photos of someone they're looking for is ridiculous. 

But, here's the clincher, and this is what really stinks: 

He didn't say that they PROBABLY got it from the Loveladys or that they MOST LIKELY did. He stated categorically that they did. And over and over again. And as recently as yesterday, he said:

Yes, the Lovelady photographs that "were furnished" to the HSCA came from the Loveladys.

There aren't even photographs at issue. There is only one. Yet, Backes continues to defy all logic, evidence, and even the lowest standards of objectivity. 

This is defiance. It is defiance of evidence. Defiance of truth. And it is defiance of sanity. 

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