Monday, May 25, 2015

This interview of Ted Olson took place just days after 9/11 when his wife, Barbara Olson, supposedly, lost her life on American Airlines 77 when it crashed into the Pentagon.

Where's the emotion??? Where's the pain??? Where's the loss??? How is this guy any kind of distraught husband? 

And then he goes into the call he supposedly got from his wife from AA77, a call which the FBI later said was impossible. But, he said she got through to him twice.  

"We spoke for a minute or two (a minute or two? there's a huge difference between a one minute call and a two minute call) and then we got cut off. But then she got through again, and we spoke for another 2 or 3 or 4 minutes." 

2 or 3 or 4 minutes? What???? How could he be indecisive about whether it was 2 or 3 or 4 minutes? He remembers all that was said, right? So, how many minutes was it? 

He said that she said that they were herded to the back of the plane, including the pilots. She implied that the pilots were back there where she was in the rear of the plane. She asked Olson what she should tell the pilots to do. But, how could she do that unless they were there with her? Her statement also establishes that the pilots were ALIVE, that they didn't die fighting the hijackers. If that had happened, she would have said so, right? But, she didn't say anything about a struggle. So, the pilots must have surrendered the plane to the hijackers, and all because they were waving around "knives and box-cutters". So, we're supposed to believe that Captain Charles Burlingame, who taught anti-terrorist resistance in the military, turned over control of the plane to some swarthy guys just because there were waving box-cutters around.  

Then, Olson said that he had to tell his wife about the two planes that crashed into the World Trade Center. Larry King wisely asked him why he had to tell her. But, Olson had no answer. Then he said that he told her that it was going to come out OK for her, but he admitted later that he was lying, that he thought she was doomed.  

Olson said that his wife sounded "very, very, remarkably, incredibly calm." But, Larry King responded that his viewers knew her as "harsh" even as a guest on the show, implying, to me at least, that she couldn't be "very very remarkably incredibly calm" in her sleep. 

Olson said that between conversations with her he called the Command Center at the Dept. of Justice to alert them of the call.

In this interview, he did refer to her calling on her "cell phone." It occurs at 1:52 in Part 2 of the interview. But, it became controversial when it became known that cells phones could not work from planes in 2001. 

Again, wisely, Larry King asked him how he was "coping" so well, meaning: "Why aren't you acting like a man whose wife just died?" Olson said that "Nature protects us by putting us in some kind of shock." Oh really? That must explain why we've never seen people agonize over the loss of a loved one, wailing, crying, and bawling. That only happens in the  movies.

Larry King asked him whether Barbara mentioned the nationality of the hijackers, and Olson said it never came up. 

It never came up? How could it never come up?

Barbara Olson: Some hijackers took over the plane.
Ted Olson: Hijackers? Who the fuck are they? 

How do you not ask?

Now listen: I am utterly convinced that the woman Ted Olson married after Barbara Olson was Barbara Olson. 

 I believe she lost weight and underwent extensive plastic surgery.

Look how well the ears match.

That's the same ear. You've got the top of the helix deviated outward. The inner helix is exactly the same. The ear lobe is exactly the same. It's the same ear. 

But, we've got people saying that they are NOT the same ear, but that these two ears below are the same ear. 

Dirty, blood-soaked mudder-ruckers, may they burn in Hell.      

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