Sunday, July 26, 2015

Marcus Hanson 
Jul 25 (12 hours ago)
Hey Ralph,

Not being too inter-lektual,I had to consult with a Professor of English
to work out what BAOVE link meant.

He's not a JFK person,so he has no bias.

He believes that BAOVE LINK is in fact a typographical error and that the
person meant to write ABOVE link. He is a genius - took him only FIVE
SECONDS to work it out. It sure had me stumped,I can tell ya.

In case you don't understand it,the Professor has offered to draw you a

In case on anyone has not kept up to date with reading your blog (shame on
them!),please see EBLOW. Errr....I mean BELOW : 

Ralph Cinque 

That isn't a typo, not in the sense of hitting a wrong key by mistake. That is just a gross misspelling, and really it's beyond the pale. It's incredible because the word "above" consists of two syllables, the first one being "uh". That's a vowel sound.  How a person could mistakenly start with the letter "b" to make that sound is staggering to behold. To reverse the "a" and the "b" in the word "above"? That's astonishing. It takes misspelling to a whole new level.  

And remember, the whole idea is that I wrote that letter, that I made that mistake; that I wrote "baove" for "above". 

Admittedly, I make typos sometimes where I hit the wrong key, and less often than that, I have outright misspellings. But, the "b" key is nowhere near the "a" key on a typewriter, so it wasn't a mis-struck key. It's not like the finger hit the wrong key accidentally.  It was a mis-struck thought. To make a mistake like that, to start a word beginning with the sound "uh" with the letter "b" goes beyond ordinary misspelling. That's dyslexia. 

And, I am not dyslexic. It is not a mistake that I could possibly make, and therefore, it is more proof that I did not write or send this letter. I could not possibly type "baove" for "above". 

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