Saturday, October 31, 2015

JFK had no one. That is, after his assassination, he had no one in the government who stood up for him. 

Not even his own brother. What did Robert Kennedy do? He became Lyndon Johnson's Attorney General, although LBJ effectively cut his legs off and put Nicholas Katzenbach in charge. 

That's Nicholas Katzenbach who said in a memo 3 days after Oswald's death that the important thing was to convince the public that Oswald did it alone without confederates and would have been convicted in a court of law had he lived.

A year later, RFK resigned to run for Senator from New York. And after a very short stint in the Senate, he began his campaign for President. But, he never denounced the killers, at least not publicly. He could have become the face of the resistance, but he didn't. 

Would he have done something, had he become President? I mean to uncover the truth and bring the perpetrators to justice. I know a lot of people would like to think so. But, it's only speculation. We just don't know. But, I can tell you that it were me, and they did that to my brother, I wouldn't have waited. I'd have acted decisively and immediately.   

But, I am not saying this to bash Robert Kennedy, specifically. He's just an example. He's one of many. The fact is that all of JFK's friends and confidantes within the government failed him, abandoned him. And most of his friends and confidantes outside the government did too. There is one exception which Dr. Marty Schotz keeps pointing to: Mort Sahl. 

Mort Sahl, the stand-up comedian, went public in his rejection of the official story and the Warren Report, and he paid a price for it too, including professional alienation. It almost destroyed his career. It was not OK to be doing what he did. But, it was very personal to him. He knew JFK.  He was a speechwriter for JFK. Specifically, JFK went to Mort Sahl to insert humor into his speeches. 

Mort Sahl is still alive. Here's to you, Mort. You're a real and true American hero. 

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