Friday, October 23, 2015

  It comes to the same thing.  You can interpret her words in many ways, 
but Marina was NOT, at first, cooperating, and they wanted her to, so they told her to 'help' them or be deported.  Put yourself in the position of a woman in a 
strange country with 2 children threatened with deportation for not 
'helping' them.  She would try to do whatever they needed to stay and not 
let it come to the point of deportation, once the threat was made. 


Ralph Cinque:

It wasn't just that- the threat of deportation- that motivated Marina to "cooperate." It was the gifts, and I am referring to gifts of love, sympathy, acceptance from the American people, plus: COLD HARD CASH. 

Right away, money started flowing to Marina. Ordinary Americans started slipping bills into envelopes and mailing them to her. And there were some big transfers too. For instance, when Lee's Russian "diary" was discovered, it was decided that Marina "owned" it, so before TIME/LIFE published it, they sent Marina $20,000. She didn't even have to fight for it; she never even asked for it. Talk about money falling out of the sky. 

This was a woman who, until the assassination, had to struggle for everything, where even basic necessities of life were a struggle to get. But now, money was raining down from the sky along with "there, there now" sympathy, and all she had to do to get it was "cooperate" and make herself out to be Oswald's "other victim." 

How much do you think Americans would have sent her if she had rejected the official story and defied authorities? 

"Look: my husband was innocent. He hurt nobody. He certainly didn't kill anybody. He is gone now, but I, his wife, deny these charges against him."  

What if she had said that? How much do you think Americans would have sent her then? How much  do you think the media would have paid her for interviews and statements? 

Marina went from very poor to quite rich overnight. Money had never been so abundant and so easy to get. She was paid to "cooperate" and she wanted to keep the spigots open as long as possible. You see, that's what a rich country can do for the wives of its framed, murdered patsies, including her husband, the most wronged man in history, Lee Harvey Oswald.  

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