Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Stupid Backass can't find fault with my analysis of why Oswald HAD to take the front staircase, so instead, he criticizes the quality of my images.

Then, he criticized this image below because it was a second floor image. 

But, it shows the doorway, Backes. You see that step-like thing in front? Those are the front steps, and they didn't go to the second floor. But, somebody put them in anyway. So, the image gets the job done; it demonstrates that the stairwell was right there by the doorway on the right as you walked through the entrance. 

And it proves something, Backes. It proves that Oswald MUST have been at the front of the building to use those steps because if he was in the rear of the building, say in the domino room, he would have used the rear steps. That's because he was going to lunch room which was in back. So, if he was already in back, he would have used the stairs that were in back. But, he was in front, so he used the front stairs. 

So, once again, Backes proves that he'll argue just for the sake of arguing. I don't mind your images, and I'm saving them, but there is nothing wrong with the images I used. They got the job done. They conveyed what needed to be conveyed. And they proved two things: that Oswald was innocent since he couldn't have come down from the 6th floor even if he had wings like a bird, and that he was at the front of the building before venturing to the lunch room, which can only mean that he was in the doorway, just as we see him. 

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