Thursday, October 29, 2015

This is Part 3 of my analysis of the testimony of Marina Oswald.

I'll begin by saying that if Marina knew that Oswald shot at General Walker with intent to kill him then she committed a crime; she was an accessory to it. 

The moment she knew that her deranged husband went out and tried to murder a man, she had a legal and moral obligation to inform the police, because he could have very easily tried again, or he could have very easily gotten the crazed idea to shoot at someone else- which he reportedly did. 

So, how could no one have broached her about the illegality of her actions, that is, her lack of action, and why was no consideration given to charging her? Just think: if Oswald had been arrested for the Walker shooting attempt and convicted and sentenced, he would have been off the street in November. Right? JFK would have lived. Doesn't that follow from what the official story claims?

But nobody, not even those Warren Commission lawyers, ever chastised her for not taking action to neutralize her deranged husband when she knew that he had already tried to commit murder. 

Secondly, I wish to point out that she kept referring to him as "Lee" but we know that for the 3 years she knew him in Russia as Alek. So, did she start calling him "Lee" as soon as they got here? 

I doubt it. Lee and Marina always spoke to each other in Russian. So, why would she change it? And to what? The Russian equivalent of Lee? That's ridiculous. Think about it for yourself. Imagine knowing someone by a certain name for 3 years. And not just anybody; not just somebody you saw once in a while; but your spouse with whom you lived, whose name you repeated all day long. 

Do you think it would be easy to change to a different name? 

When Marina wrote to her aunt and uncle, she continued to refer to him as Alek. And she never said that she had come to address Alek as Lee. She just matter-of-factly and casually referred to him as Alek. 

Since Marina always spoke to Oswald in Russian, why would she change what she called him? 99.99% of Americans don't speak Russian, so what the hell difference was it going to make to them? Why should she change? Why should she use the Russian equivalent of Lee? Maybe there isn't one. It's ridiculous. I am very inclined to think that she continued calling him Alek- in Russian.  

But, notice in the testimony how easily and freely she referred to him as "Lee".  Why? And how? I'll tell you how. It was because of the 2+ months that she spent in captivity in which everyone around here referred to him as Lee. Alek was dead. All that was left was this "Lee" character that they were describing to her. I suspect it helped her to say the things she did about him to the Warren Commission by referring to him as "Lee."

We're still dealing with her testimony concerning the rifle. She said she saw him clean it 4 or 5 times, and that was presumably between late March and late April when he left for New Orleans. She was asked if he went to practice shooting with it, and she thought that he went to a field that was near Love Field, the airport, and did some shooting there- out in the open. 

Hmmm. I know there are people who shoot out on open land, but they do so either on their land or the land of someone they know who invites them to do it. And naturally, it takes a big piece of land. Oswald didn't own any land, and we can't presume a landowner near Love Field invited him to shoot on his land. So, this claim does not pass the smell test. You can't go on public land and start shooting it up, and you can't go on private land that doesn't belong to you and start shooting it up. 

Mr. RANKIN. Do you know where he practiced with the rifle?
Mrs. OSWALD. I don't know where. I don't know the name of the place where this took place. But I think it was somewhere out of town. It seems to me a place called Lopfield.
Mr. RANKIN. Would that be at the airport---Love Field?
Mrs. OSWALD. Love Field.
Mr. RANKIN. So you think he was practicing out in the open and not at a rifle range?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.

So, Oswald cleaned his rifle. Therefore, he must have had the necessary tools, degreaser, gun oil, rags, etc. Where were they? Why weren't they reported as part of his belongings? He was supposedly shooting regularly at the Sport Drome Rifle Range in October and November. So, he had to be cleaning his rifle then as well, right? So, why didn't they find his gun cleaning kit?

By the way: the official story definitely has it that Oswald brought the rifle to New Orleans:

Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall seeing the rifle when the telescopic lens was on it?
Mrs. OSWALD. I hadn't paid any attention initially.
I know a rifle was a rifle. I didn't know whether or not it had a telescope attached to it. But the first time I remember seeing it was in New Orleans, where I recognized the telescope. But probably the telescope was on before. I simply hadn't paid attention.

Hmm. So, how did he get it down there? He presumably traveled to New Orleans by bus. So, he took the rifle on the bus? And he went to his aunt's house totin' a rifle? How come she never said so, that he showed up at her door with a rifle?

Alright, now we get to Backyard photos:

Mr. RANKIN. Is that the same rifle that you are referring to that you took the picture of with your husband and when he had the pistol, too?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes. I asked him then why he had dressed himself up like that, with the rifle and the pistol, and I thought that he had gone crazy, and he said he wanted to send that to a newspaper. This was not my business--it was man's business.
If I had known these were such dangerous toys of course you understand that I thought that Lee had changed in that direction, and I didn't think it was a serious occupation with him, just playing around.
Mr. RANKIN. Do you recall the day that you took the picture of him with the rifle and the pistol?
Mrs. OSWALD. I think that that was towards the end of February, possibly the beginning of March. I can't say exactly. Because I didn't attach any significance to it at the time. That was the only time I took any pictures.

She took the pictures toward the end of February, possibly the beginning of March? OSWALD DID NOT PICK THE RIFLE UP FROM THE POST OFFICE UNTIL MARCH 25 according to the official story.

The end of February and the beginning of March are still winter in Dallas. It's not Miami. They do get some winter there. It snows in Dallas. But, there is nothing remotely wintery about the Backyard photos. You'd think that that would have jogged her memory. 

She said she took 2 pictures of him in the Backyard. There are 3. She said it was done 2 or 3 weeks after the Walker shooting attempt. But that was supposedly on April 10, so she contradicted what she had just said a moment before. Did anyone call her on it? No. 

She said the note said "if I am arrested". It doesn't. Here it is, translated:

She said that upon returning home, Oswald looked pale and told her not to ask him any questions. And then he told her that he shot at General Walker. Hmmm. Doesn't it seem like if he didn't want her to ask him any questions, that he wouldn't tell her that? Why tell her? 

Then he told her something weird. He told her that he buried the rifle somewhere. 

Mr. RANKIN. Did he say any more than that about the shooting?
Mrs. OSWALD. Of course in the morning I told him that I was worried, and that we can have a lot of trouble, and I asked him, "Where is the rifle? What did you do with it?"
He said, that he had left it somewhere, that he had buried it, it seems to me, somewhere far from that place, because he said dogs could find it by smell. I don't know---I am not a criminologist.
Mr. RANKIN. Did he tell you why he had shot at General Walker?

Notice how Rankin wasn't interested. He immediately changed the subject. Moved on. I don't think Oswald burying the rifle in the dirt is supposed to be part of the official story.

She said that she thought the Walker shooting occurred on a Friday, and Rankin corrected her, telling her it was on a Wednesday.

She said that after the shooting, he ran several kilometers. Several kilometers? Well that had to be at least 3 kilometers if it was several. You don't use several for 1 or 2. 3 kilometers is close to 2 miles. So, Oswald ran nearly 2 miles (at least) with a rifle in his hand? Did he really think that was a good idea after a shooting attempt when police and perhaps others were looking for a guy with a rifle to be running down the street with a rifle? That was his escape plan? 

And then, he took the bus? So, a guy who was running with a rifle finally gets on the bus with the rifle, where he's sweating and pale and looking like he did something awful, and the bus driver didn't notice? None of the passengers noticed? Nobody came forward afterwards? Nobody reported it to the police?

Then, she said that several days later, the DeMohreschildts came to visit, and George asked Oswald, "Lee, how did you miss?"

Marina said that she looked at Lee wondering if he had told DeMo. But, Lee also looked at her wondering if she had told him. 

So, this doesn't make sense. Did DeMo divine that Oswald did it? But, what makes even less sense is for George DeMohrenschildt to say that to Oswald other than privately. And again, I'll point out that Mr. and Mrs. DeMohrenschildt should have been arrested if Marina's story is true.  If they knew that Oswald had attempted to kill someone, they had a sublime duty, a civic and moral obligation to inform the police.

And why did DeMo said "Lee, how did you miss?" Did he think that shooters never miss? Or did he think that Oswald was such a fabulous shot that he never missed? Based on what? And why was Lee's marksmanship the issue rather than his murderous intent? Was DeMo as deranged as Oswald?

Mr. RANKIN. What did you do with the note that he had left for you after you talked about it and said you were going to keep it?
Mrs. OSWALD. I had it among my things in a cookbook. But I have two--I don't remember in which.

Ruth Paine found the note, so I guess she went through the cookbook. She discovered a slip of paper of Oswald's in her garage but not his rifle.

Mrs. OSWALD. Soon after that, Lee lost his job---I don't know for what reason. He was upset by it. And he looked for work for several days. And then I insisted that it would be better for him to go to New Orleans where he had relatives. I insisted on that because I wanted to get him further removed from Dallas and from Walker, because even though he gave me his word, I wanted to have him further away, because a rifle for him was not a very good toy---a toy that was too enticing.

Yeah, but he took it with him to New Orleans, right? He had to, didn't he? Or did Marina bring it down for him when she moved down in May? And if she did: why? Why would she want to live in a house with Oswald and his rifle? How could she live in a house with Oswald and his rifle after what happened?

She said it was her idea for him to move to New Orleans. I rather doubt that's true, don't you? 

Then, she got to Mrs. Ruth Paine.

Mr. RANKIN. When did you first get acquainted with Mrs. Paine?Mrs. OSWALD. I think it was a couple of months earlier---probably in January.
Mr. RANKIN. How did you happen to go to Mrs. Paine's house to stay? Did she invite you?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes; she invited me. I had become acquainted with her through some Russian friends of ours. We had visited with some people, and she was there. Inasmuch as she was studying Russian, she invited me to stay with her.
Mr. RANKIN. Did you pay her anything for staying with her?
Mrs. OSWALD. No, I only repaid her in the sense that I helped her in the household and that I gave her Russian language lessons. This, in her words, was the very best pay that I could give her. And she wanted that I remain with her longer. But, of course, it was better for me to be with my husband.

She was referring to a brief period that she lived with Mrs. Paine before she, Marina, moved to New Orleans. And we have the account from Ruth Paine about when Marina received the call from Lee saying that he had a job and an apartment, and she could come down with June. And according to Ruth Paine, Marine was elated and excited, and she said to June in Russian, "Papa loves us."

Papa loves us? This is the same guy who shot at General Walker? And the same guy whom she had to lock in the bathroom to keep him from shooting Richard Nixon? And now, a few weeks later, he's Papa and he loves them? How could she possibly make that shift, psychologically?

Mr. RANKIN. Did you then leave at once for New Orleans?
Mrs. OSWALD. Yes.
Mr. RANKIN. And how did you get to New Orleans from Dallas?
Mrs. OSWALD. Mrs. Paine took me there in her car. She took her children and my things and we went there.
Mr. RANKIN. Did you have much in the way of household goods to move?
Mrs. OSWALD. Everything---we could put everything into one car. But, in fact, most of the things Lee had taken with him. Because he went by bus.
Mr. RANKIN. Did he take the gun with him to New Orleans?
Mrs. OSWALD. I don't remember exactly, but it seems to me that it was not among my things.

How could Lee have taken most of the household things with him if he traveled by bus? And she seemed to imply that Lee took the rifle with him when he went down by bus. How could he possibly carry more than the rifle and one suitcase? How many arms did he have? Are you even allowed to carry a rifle on a bus? I guess you are because according to Marina, Oswald did it twice: the night he shot at Walker and then all the way to New Orleans.

I just checked: it is prohibited to carry a rifle or any firearm on a Greyhound bus. You can't check it in as luggage and you can't carry it on your person. Was it different in 1963? I don't know, but I'll tell you this: I rode buses in 1963, and I never saw anybody brandishing a rifle on a bus. 

I'll break here for tonight. There is a long way to go on this, Marina's testimony.  But, I'll close with this thought: 

Vince Salandria keeps telling me that the official story of the JFK assassination is not supposed to be believable. It's not supposed to be credible. It is just supposed to be official.  

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