Sunday, July 10, 2016

I received a call today from the legendary journalist/investigator Jones Harris. If you don't know who he is, he's the guy who literally put Oswald in the doorway into the newspapers. He told me that he thought it was about time we met, and I told him I couldn't agree more. 

And we talked for about two hours, although actually, it was mostly him talking and me listening. It is, literally, hard to get a word in edgewise with him. He's 87 years old, and he sounds VERY spry, very sharp, and very articulate. And he has a very assertive personality. I mean assertive as in dynamic, energetic, and sure of himself to the point of cockiness. Glad I'm not like that. People might take offense, and perish the thought. But, he's also a very nice man.

And I learned some things from him today. He told me that at the time the New York Herald Tribune was wrestling and stewing about whether or not to publish Jones Harris' story about Oswald in the doorway, most of the editors did NOT want to publish it. They weren't fools. They knew what it represented, and, it bordered on treason. Accepting the official government story of the assassination instantly became a litmus test for patriotism. And, it was the same way following 9/11. According to Jones, (and he told me to call him either Jones or Jonesy) the story would have been nixed if not for one man- a man who was on their corporate board, and who carried a lot of weight. That man demanded that the story be run, and it's the only reason it was. So, who was this man? 

He was General Lucius Clay, the man who was responsible for overseeing the Berlin Air Lift at the height of the Cold War. 

General Lucius Clay was a deputy to General Ike Eisenhower during WW2. Clay became the Commander in Chief of all US forces in Europe, and after the war, he became the military governor of the US occupied zone in Germany. He was also a civil and military engineer who supervised dam constructions, bridge constructions, etc.  He became the youngest brigadier general in Army history. And just think: this very capable and accomplished man looked at the situation, and he demanded that Oswald in the doorway be run in the newspaper. Thank you, General Clay. 

Then, we talked about Billy Lovelady, and he said that Lovelady was nervous and uncomfortable in talking about the Doorman controversy. And Jones confirmed something I had read, that when asked about which shirt he wore- the short-sleeved striped one or the long-sleeved plaid one- Lovelady said he was wearing both. Well, that is ridiculous. I don't believe it for a second. And, if it were true, then he surely could not be Doorman because Doorman's outer shirt is sprawled wide open, and there is no striped shirt underneath it.

Then, Jones told me that he heard that I was making noise about 
the book distributing business at the TSBD being just a facade, and he wanted to know about it. So, I addressed it, explaining that there was nothing remotely efficient or practical about the way the book business was organized and being run, that boxes of books were randomly stacked and piled high on the floors, and we have yet to discern any logic or reason to it or even any legible titles. There was simply no "system" to it; no organization. So, if an order-filler was given a title to fill, say, Dick and Jane go to the Zoo, he'd have to just hunt and peck for it. Imagine how long that would take. There were no ladders by which they could access boxes on top of the stacks. There were no dollies by which they could transport whole boxes. And there were no orders of whole boxes of books that we know of, even though all of the orders were going to schools. The mailer Troy West spoke only of wrapping orders with paper and string. The schematic doesn't even show a shipping room. No mention was ever made of how parcels got labeled and stamped, assuming they were mailed. Did they have a Pitney Bowes machine? Who knows? How could anybody run such a business so sloppily and remain in business? 

Then, I told Jonesy about the article The Spiders Web: the TSBD and the Dallas Plot by William Weston. I believe it is the most detailed account of the history of the TSBD ever compiled.  Jonesy was very enthused about reading it, but he is not an online person, and I mean not at all. So, he asked me if I would print it and mail it to him, and I agreed. I have already done it. If you haven't read it, here it is:

Then, another thing I should mention concerns Abraham Zapruder. Jonsey doesn't like him. He kept calling him, "Honest Abe Zaprduer" and he was being sarcastic, as though he thinks he was anything but honest. He urged me to read Honest Abe's testimony during the Garrison hearing, where ever the judge was admonishing Zapruder for being evasive. Jonsey thinks that Zapruder was in on it: the plot; that he had foreknowledge. And, he told me that the commonly cited figure of what the Zapruder family got when they sold the film for the final time to the US government of $16 million is wrong; that the correct figure is $26 million, and that they asked for $30 million. That was in 1999, so what's it equivalent to in today's dollars? I reckon at least $40 million.  

You know, when you think about it, why did the US government have to give away so much taxpayers money to obtain the original Zapruder film when, by that point in time, there were no longer any guarantees that it was original, and there were so many high-grade copies out there, which they surely possessed, that it hardly mattered if they got the original.  It almost seems superfluous. And it also seems like they would have driven a much harder bargain. $26 million? Seriously? But then again, I know why they did it. They had to get it and lock it away for all time because if they didn't somebody else might get it and reveal all the changes and alterations that were made to it.  TO HIDE THE TAMPERING: that's why the US government had to buy the original Zapruder film.

Jonsey also thinks LBJ had foreknowledge and was in on it. He said that he spoke directly to Senator Ralph Yarborough (Jonsey had a knack for getting through doors) and the Senator told him that that the whole story of Rufus Youngblood climbing on top of LBJ to protect him in the Veep car is a lie. He said that LBJ started crouching down even before they entered Dealey Plaza. And, we can see that in the Nix film.  

Anyway, Jones Harris is quite a character. 


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