Thursday, September 21, 2017

Denis Morissette has put up both new alleged images of James Bookhout on his JFK investigators website, and he got rid of the previous bogus image of Bookhout. And it's the second time, that I know of, that he has had to remove a bogus image of Bookhout.  

So, you would think that that would give him caution before making claims about any new images. You would think that would cause him to seek some confirmation and validation before he installs these new images.  But no, he just goes right to it.

And just think: James Bookhout's son Jim is still very much alive and presumably very accessible. He can be reached through the Texas Peace Officer's Flag Fund, which raises money to honor fallen Texas police officers. It's a noble cause. My father was a police officer, and he had several close calls in which he could have been killed. His partner was killed just inches away from him. Luckily, my father always came home.

So, why wouldn't Denis Morissette check with Jim Bookhout before putting up any more pictures of his father? And especially in this case when the two images he put up don't even correlate with each other. By all indications, one man was very tall while the other was of average height. 

So, why wouldn't Denis check with Jim first? 

"Jim, this is Denis Morissette, a JFK researcher. Two images of your father have surfaced, and before I put them up on my JFK investigators website, I want to run them by you. That's because I have been wrong in the past, and I don't want to put up any more bogus images of your dad. So, please take a look at these two images and tell me if either or both of them are your father. I would appreciate it very much. And thank you. "

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