Thursday, November 16, 2017

Quick report on the mock trial, which is on break. I presume the defense chose to put off making their opening statement until later because the prosecutor made his and then went on to question his star witness. The prosecutor, Guy Pappas, who in real life is a defense lawyer not a prosecutor, said nothing outstanding in his opening statement, although it was long. And I'm surprised the judge would allow such a long statement considering that this trial is limited to 2 days. But, I'll point out that the judge revealed his own bias at the beginning by referring to "conspiracy believers" and it was basically derogatory, although I don't recall his exact words. I have no doubt that he, a real judge, is biased against the defense. 

But, the prosecutor wasted a lot of time blah, blah, blahing. What did he say that really attacked Oswald? He claimed there were witnesses who saw him in the 6th floor window. He claimed there was his fingerprints and palmprints on the boxes, the rifle, and the bag. He mistakenly said that it was undisputed that he came to work with a large bag which he said contained curtain rods. He never acknowledged that Oswald denied telling anything to Frazier about curtain rods.  

And that's about it. He's interrogating this forensic expert Luke Haag, his star witness, about the shooting sequence, but none of that directly implicates Oswald. And by the way, this expert is the one who with his son did a PBS special in which they attempted to duplicate the shooting. It's called Cold Case JFK, and you can see it here:

Now, it's resuming. But, the bottom line so far is: no surprises, nothing unexpected, no unexpected burdens for the defense; just the usual predictable rote stuff and mostly defending the Single Bullet Theory.  

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