Friday, December 8, 2017

It was Amy Joyce who first noticed that the vertical stripe on the ribbon of the hat in the Jackson photo is grey. But, if you look at the hat in the collection of Jack Ruby's belongings, you see that that vertical stripe of the ribbon is black- just like the rest of the ribbon.

What does it mean? It means that it's all lies. Filthy, bloodied lies by filthy, bloodied people. In a decent country, this would have been exposed decades ago. But, this is not a decent country, and that's why we have people defending it- the official story of the Oswald murder, that Jack Ruby murdered him to silence him. It's all a lie. Don't you get it? The same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald. The same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald. The same people who killed Kennedy killed Oswald. Curses on them. Curses on those who defend them. And curses on those who are just too damn stupid to see it. 

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