Saturday, December 23, 2017

Look at this statement by Dr. Fred Beiberdorf:

"I was asked to remove myself from the basement parking area at--prior to Oswald's being moved, and was told by police officers at that time that only police personnel were being allowed in the area."

So, this confirms that, prior to Oswald being brought down, they evacuated the basement area. Why? So, they could have their confrontation with Jack Ruby and hustle him up to the 5th floor, that's why. 

And Beiberdorf gave us a time. He said that he crossed through the basement area at 9:45. So, he crossed through then, and then it was evacuated. This fits perfectly with my assumption that the fracas with Ruby occurred at 10 to 10:15.

And why did Dr. Beiberdorf claim that Detective Leavelle rode with him in the middle compartment of the ambulance? We know it isn't true. We can see Leavelle climbing into the rear through the tailgate. And, we can see him getting out the same way upon arrival at Parkland. So, why did the Beib say that? It's very baffling.

And read his testimony concerning Jack Ruby:

"At the 2:05 time that I saw him, he, as I stated in this document--Well, let me just go through what, as best I can recall, what was said. I identified myself to him. I don't recall that he said who he was or that either the police officer with him or the FBI agent with him at the time identified him to me. I told him that I had been asked to see if he had any complaints or injuries as a result of the earlier scuffle he had in the city hall."
"He assured me that he was not injured in any way. He took off his coat, which he had on at the time, and showed me a few bruises on the medial aspect of his right arm, and I also noted a few bruises on his right wrist which appeared to be fresh, but, he assured me these weren't bothering him, and he had no other injuries. He, at that time---oh, I don't recall the exact words he used, but he expressed an admiration for the police officers. And in saying that he had no injuries he stated that the police had just done what they had to do, that they hadn't injured him any more than necessary, than he would expect in such a scuffle, and again spoke of how the police were doing their job and how they were doing their job well."

That is weird. How could Ruby be concerned with praising the Dallas Police at a time like that, when he had just destroyed his entire life and lost everything? You would think that his focus would be on himself. It's like he was drunk or intoxicated. Are you aware of any other time in the history of criminal justice that a culprit did that? And what does it say about Leavelle's claim that, after shooting Oswald, Ruby tried to shoot him? Do you think there is any chance that Ruby would have shot any of his beloved Dallas Police? Jim Leavelle was, and is, a terrible liar. 

It just isn't normal for Ruby to be waxing on in praise of the Dallas Police at a time like that. And again, my mind goes to drugging: the mind-altering drug that he must have been given.

I am going to give you the link to Dr. Beiberdorf's testimony, and you'll notice that he said nothing to the Warren Commission about having performed artificial respiration on Oswald.

But now, let's turn to his FBI statement:

Note that this was written by an FBI agent, although who I don't know. It states that Dr. Beiberdorf could not detect a pulse, heartbeat, or breathing on Oswald. Hmm; that sounds like dead. 

It states that the Beib said that someone had pulled Oswald's shirt up exposing the puncture wound, but that no external bleeding was evident. In that case, how did all this blood get on the floor?

That's a long way for the blood to travel, and it would have had to leave a heck of a lot behind on his clothes. Yet, we don't see any, and Beiberdorf said the puncture wound was clean; bloodless. 

Then, it states that the Beib could feel the bullet between Oswald's ribs on his right side. So, he went looking for that, did he? That's surprising. I mean, all those doctors and nurses in Trauma Room One at Parkland didn't do that with Kennedy. Then, it says that the Beib may have missed Oswald's heartbeat because of all the noise in the jail office at the time. But, he checked Oswald for pulses. It says so. And that wouldn't be affected by the noise. And the pulse is more important anyway. What you want to know is whether the patient has circulation, and if you don't have a pulse, you don't have circulation, regardless of what the heart is doing. Then it says that the Beib commenced massaging the sternum. MASSAGING THE STERNUM? What the heck is he talking about? There's a thing called the sternal rub which is done to irritate the subject in order to determine if he is really unconscious. Cardiac resuscitation involves compressing the sternum in order to compress the heart to squeeze the blood out of it and into the arteries. It is not done with the expectation that it will restart the heart. It is done as a mechanical alternative to the heart beating. 

Beiberdorf was a doctor, and it says that he determined that Oswald was not breathing. So, wouldn't he perform cardio and pulmonary resuscitation both? Frankly, I have no idea what was meant by MASSAGING THE STERNUM. If he literally meant rubbing over the sternum, that would accomplish nothing, and a doctor would know that. And don't try to tell me that Beiberdorf was leaning over Oswald and performing chest compressions. I don't believe it. If that were true, we would have heard about it directly. We would have heard it described that way by observers. Furthermore, since it is NOT expected to restart the heart, you would keep it up all the way to the hospital. You wouldn't stop just because the ambulance attendants arrived. You would keep doing it with him on the stretcher. Why not? Here's an article about it:

Secret Service Agent Forest Sorrels said that he saw someone performing "artificial respiration" on Oswald, and Beiberdorf never even claimed to do that. Did anyone else? 

Mr. SORRELS. I got down to the basement floor, and I headed right into the jailer's office. And at that time Oswald was laying on the floor and someone was giving him artificial respiration.
Mr. HUBERT. By mechanical means?
Mr. SORRELS. No; by hand. I recall seeing that his stomach was uncovered, his shirt was pulled up, and the man apparently was over him giving him artificial respiration by his hands.

That does not make sense. Mouth to mouth resuscitation was developed in 1956, and it was adopted by the U.S. Military in 1957. This was 1963. So, no one would have done artificial respiration by hand. It would have been mouth to mouth. How could a Secret  Service agent, one trained to deal with all kinds of Presidential emergencies, not know about this? He DEFINITELY did not see anyone provide artificial respiration by hand. And the only thing that would have been effective for cardiac resuscitation was chest compressions. And again: there is no chance that Beiberdorf did that. 

The bottom line is that the entire account of resuscitative efforts being applied to Oswald in the jail office is mired in confusion, uncertainty, and doubt. It seems HIGHLY LIKELY to me that it never happened.  I don't believe that ANY resuscitative work was done on Oswald in the jail office. 


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